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Nuestro Mensaje

"Presentar la cultura y los valores Españoles a los estudiantes de Reagan que han logrado logros en el idioma Español mediante la creación de un entorno donde las actividades tradicionales divertidas, memorables, influyentes y diversas podrían expandir su interés y encontrar un disfrute profundamente arraigado en la bella Herencia hispana."

"To introduce the Spanish culture and values to Reagan students who have gained achievements in the Spanish language by creating an environment where fun, memorable, influential, and diverse traditional activities could expand their interest and find a deep-rooted enjoyment in the beautifully unique Hispanic heritage."



Diego Valdes

Hello everyone! My name is Diego Valdes, I'm a senior, and I am the current president of la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica. My goal for la Sociedad this year is to introduce new people to the diversity of Hispanic culture while simultaneously working with our community in order to promote flourishing growth. I am really excited to be part of this Cascabel's history and to ensure la sociedad shines to its true potential!


Kevin Cai

Hello, my name is Kevin Cai, and I am the Vice President for NSHS! From a young age, I have always loved the Spanish language, and I hope that I can spread my interest of the language to others. As an officer, I hope to help la Sociedad achieve its mission of promoting interest in the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures, and Spanish traditions. I am super excited to be part of la Sociedad, and I am really looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you!


Daniel Olmos

Hello, I'm Daniel Olmos, I'm in 11th grade and going to be a in an officer position as the secretary for la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica. I look forward for the upcoming year and using my leadership position to spread Hispanic culture throughout our school and our community!

Community Service Chair

Lily Wang

Hi, my name is Lily Wang and I am the Community Service Chair this year for la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica! I am so excited to spread my love of volunteering and of learning about Spanish culture. I also enjoy reading, dancing, and listening to music.


Brent Freeman

Hi, my name is Brent Freeman (Akibrento) and I'm an artist and musician who has joined la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica as a junior. Through the creation of many awful webcomics and some equally bad songs, I have made a name for myself on TikTok, Buzfeed, and music services.

Miembros de Mesa


Sofia Alday


Ximena Moreno

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Catarina Contreras

Hi! I'm Sofia Alday and I'm a senior. My position for this year's Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is as a Mesa member paired with la Sociedad's President. My goal this year is to work hard to show what hispanic culture truly means for our society and hopefully help inspire others to do the same. I look forward to working with our other officers and members his year!

Hey! My name is Ximena Moreno, I'm in 11th grade, and I'm going to be a Mesa member paired with the Vice President this year. I'm so excited to help lead la Sociedad and spread more about Hispanic culture throughout out community. I'm a dancer and I love to help people and travel.

Hello! My name is Catarina Contreras and I'm the Mesa Secretary. I'm excited and looking forward to being part of la Sociedad throughout my senior year. I will be able to grow even more as a leader and explore and share my Latin culture even more. I love music and singing, and my goal is to continue working hard with my studies, become a better person, and travel abroad.

Community Service Chair

Diego Cantu

Regina Aguirre

Hey! My name is Diego Cantu and I will be the Mesa member paired with the Community Service Chair this year. I am a senior involved in PALS, the National Honor Society, and the Reagan Band. I enjoy playing different instruments, the outdoors, and spreading kindness. I'm eager to continue learning about the beauty within Hispanic culture and can't wait to help out our community in the process.

Hi, I'm Regina. I'm a Mesa member paired with the Historian, and I'm going to be a sophomore this year. I love to dance, I play the piano and I love space and all the things that have to do with aliens and paranormal stuff. I'm so happy to be on la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica because I enjoy learning about Hispanic cultures, and I think this year will be really fun and interesting.


Señora Martha E. Rodriguez
Señor Juan A. Freires
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